
Mengapa Seseorang Sering Diam! Apakah Mengalami Depresi?

 Mengapa Seseorang Sering Diam! Apakah Mengalami Depresi? Pernahkah Anda mendengar istilah "depresi tersenyum", "depresi yang berfungsi tinggi" atau "depresi tersembunyi"? Seperti yang disiratkan oleh nama-nama ini, inilah saatnya orang yang mengalami depresi klinis mencoba untuk merahasiakan depresi dari orang lain.   Mengapa Seseorang Sering Diam! Apakah Mengalami Depresi? Mereka sering tampil ceria, sukses, dan tampak kompak - membawa Anda pada keyakinan bahwa hidup mereka sangat bahagia, baik-baik saja, dan tanpa penyakit mental. Penulis: Chloe Avenasa Editor Skrip: Denise Ding Manajer Naskah: Kelly Soong VO: Amanda Silvera Animator: Clarisse Lim Xingyi Manajer YouTube: Cindy Cheong Referensi:  · Brownhill, Suzanne, dkk. "'Bangun besar': depresi tersembunyi pada pria." Jurnal psikiatri Australia dan Selandia Baru10 (2005): 921-931. · Abroms, Gene M. "Diagnosis dan pengobatan depresi tersembunyi." Kuartal Psikiatri4 (1981)...

5 Tanda Depresi Remaja dan apa yang harus di waspadai ?

 5 Tanda Depresi Remaja dan apa yang harus di waspadai ? Sekitar 20 persen dari semua remaja mengalami depresi sebelum mereka mencapai usia dewasa. Antara 10 hingga 15 persen menderita gejala pada satu waktu.  Hanya 30 persen remaja depresi yang dirawat. Gejala depresi remaja dapat mencakup, tetapi tidak terbatas pada: suasana hati atau kesedihan yang berkepanjangan, mudah tersinggung, perasaan tidak berdaya, peningkatan isolasi sosial, kehilangan minat untuk hal-hal yang sebelumnya dinikmati.  Tanda-tanda depresi dapat menyerupai depresi klinis. Jika Anda menduga bahwa Anda mungkin mengalami tanda-tanda depresi, Anda disarankan untuk mencari seorang profesional. Kami juga bermitra dengan BetterHelp, di mana Anda bisa mendapatkan konseling online dengan harga terjangkau. Anda harus berusia 18+:

Beberapa Tanda Anak Yang Mengalami Depresi (Bagi Orang Tua)

  Pertimbangkan untuk membagikan video ini dengan orang tua Anda untuk membantu meningkatkan kesadaran dan membuat depresi masa kanak-kanak, bukan stigma. Persentase orang dewasa yang mengalami gejala depresi tertinggi di antara mereka yang berusia 18-29 (21,0%), diikuti oleh mereka yang berusia 45-64 (18,4%) dan 65 tahun ke atas (18,4%), dan terakhir, oleh mereka yang berusia 30 tahun. –44 (16,8%). Hingga 3% anak-anak dan 8% remaja di AS mengalami depresi. Kondisi ini secara signifikan lebih sering terjadi pada anak laki-laki di bawah usia 10 tahun. Tetapi pada usia 16 tahun, anak perempuan memiliki insiden depresi yang lebih besar. Hanya karena seorang anak tampak sedih tidak berarti mereka mengalami depresi yang signifikan. Tetapi jika kesedihan menjadi terus-menerus atau mengganggu aktivitas sosial, minat, tugas sekolah, atau kehidupan keluarga yang normal, itu mungkin berarti mereka menderita penyakit depresi. Ingatlah bahwa meskipun depresi adalah penyakit serius, itu juga...

5 Ways To Agree To Strengthen Mother And Child Relations

 To Strengthen Mother And Child Relations How to approach to strengthen the relationship betweenMother and Child , each char is different, especially on both sides who are busy with their activities and activities. Love your mother who is really wide is normal for every child, both male and female, especially if someone can establish a good relationship. Apart from the fact that the method for communicating or connecting with two affections is unequal, you must focus on a number of these things so that the relationship between Mother and Child is still friendly and qualified. We present 5 ways to approach Strengthening Mother and Child Relations Every mother on the planet will hope to have the choice to have a solid relationship with her young child. Especially if the young person wants to transparently tell or pour out his heart what is felt and experienced. Every child who quietly has a problem, usually he has the desire, I hope to tell a friend, especia...

Review Of Neurophysiological ( nervous system) Autistic Children Part 2

Another study shows symptoms of autism in children after the temporal lobe is damaged by herpes simplex encephalitis. Other evidence is the absence of temporal lobe seen in CT (computed tomographic) in autistic children aged 3 years and there is temporal lobe structural damage in other 3-year-old autistic children. A study of lesions (lesions) in temporal lobe structure in animals causes hyperactivity, disruption of social interactions, stereotypical movements (repetitive and aimless movements), lack of response to stimuli, and loss of behavioral variability. The study of autism in every child and adult with different autism shows abnormalities in different parts of the brain. Abnormalities can be found in several parts, such as the frontal lobe, the limbic system (which is responsible for regulating emotions), or in the brain stem and fourth ventricle, cerebellum (which plays a role in motor coordination), etc. Children with autism have a brain anatomy differen...

Review Of Neurophysiological ( nervous system) Children With Autism Part 1

  nervous system The nervous system is a system that regulates feelings, ways of thinking and controlling our bodies. The nervous system is divided into 2 systems, namely: the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system consists of a) The brain, is the main integration area of ​​the nervous system, namely as a place of storage of memory, the occurrence of thought, emotional regulation, and other functions associated with psychology and body control.  b) Spinal cord which functions as a place of transfer to and from the brain, an integrated area for coordination of many subconscious nerve activities, such as reflexes pulling parts of the body away from painful stimulation. The peripheral nervous system consists of  a) Afferent fibers: to deliver sorrel information to the central nervous system ,  b) Efferent fibers: to deliver motor signals originating from the central nervous system . Nerves spr...